Learn how to purchase Amazon Returns for Pennies on the Dollar AND Resell for HUGE Profits

Our training, along with the use of our proprietary Liquidation Manifest Tool will quickly allow you to identify and purchase customer returned goods from Amazon for pennies on the dollar and then turn around and resell them on Amazon for huge profits.

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What to Buy?

First, you must know what kind of customer returned good to purchase.  Not all pallets are created equal, and you'll make your money in this business when you buy right.

How Much to Pay?

All these pallets are being auctioned off to the highest bidder.  You need to know what your maximum bid should be in a matter of minutes to get the great deals.

LMT Tool

Learn about the Liquidation Manifest Tool (LMT). which is our proprietary software, which allows you to quickly analyze any manifest at liquidation.com for the purpose of identifying profitable pallets.


50% Complete

Two Step

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